
Question of Waste is  Recycling program for university’s waste, Program to reduce the use of paper and plastic on campus, Organic waste treatment, Inorganic waste treatment, Toxic waste treatment, and Sewage disposal. The following is one of the photo evidence of indicators from questions in the field of Waste.

Source: IU GreenMetric, 2021
Source: UI GreenMetric, 2021

A. Recycling Program for University Waste

All organic and inorganic waste from the campus is taken to university-owned landfills for recycling, reuse and reduced process. Plastic waste is collected and then processed into flower vases, plastic bags, and various crafts. The Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences is leading such programs to transform plastic into various crafts.

Organic waste management is carried out on organic waste, especially falling leaves within the Halu Oleo University Area. At the TPS3R location, those organic waste is then processed to into bokashi or compost.

Waste management also involves students so that it will raise awareness about the importance of waste management. For example, by reused program, the plastic waste can be processed through pyrolysis system to become fuel.

B. Program to Reduce the Use of Paper and Plastic on Campus

  1. Implementation of e-government system in Halu Oleo University is a concrete effort to reduce the use of paper and plastics. It has been proven that Electronic-based student services, e-learning and e-library can significantly reduce the paper usage
  2. Regarding reducing paper usage in the workplace, Halu Oleo University also implement paperless application in all administrative/service activities. File and information are also distributed through websites, institutional emails and Whatsapp Group/Telegram. The university also support the use of 2 sides of paper, always rechecking data before printing as well as making envelopes and file holders from used paper
  3. The Rector of Halu Oleo University has issued a policy to reduce the use of plastic bags and single-use mineral water bottles

C. Organic Waste Treatment

Organic waste originating from the dry leaves of fallen trees and the pruning of branches around the Halu Oleo University campus is collected by cleaners in one place and then transported to TPS3R every 3 days to be processed into organic fertilizer. In addition, students also take part in waste management by making compost or bokashi which later becomes a part of student entrepreneurship from livestock manure, especially by livestock students

D. Toxic Waste Treatment

The hazardous toxic waste is handled separately, i.e. by grouping, collecting and handing it over to a third party or certified company. Toxic waste is found only in the laboratories whose handling is based on the properties of chemicals namely reactive chemicals, corrosive chemicals, oxidative chemicals, and toxic chemical

Management of B3 waste both solid and liquid, especially those produced from laboratories such as the laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of MIPA, Agriculture, Pharmacy is done in accordance with strict SOPs and waste treatment is done by third parties in this regard Cooperation with Bahteramas government Hospital