ED 2023

[6] Education and Research (ED)

[6.4] Total Research Funds Dedicated to Sustainability Research (in US Dollars)


Total funding for sustainability research has the same trend as total research funding at Halu Oleo University. The trend of these funds fluctuates, in 2022 it decreased from 2021. This condition is caused by the lack of research funds by researchers due to the handling of Covid 19. However, in 2023, sustainable research funds began to increase again along with improving economic conditions in Southeast Sulawesi.

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2021 = 2.522.768 US Dollars (Rp 40.056.515.126)        

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2022 = 1.862.281 US Dollars (Rp 29.569.304.125)

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2023 = 2.109.203 US Dollars (Rp 33.489.917.500)

The averaged annum last 3 years of research fund dedicated to sustainability research = $2,200,347 (IDR34,937.112.250; @1 USD=IDR15,878) 

The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding in 2021 = 0.96

The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding in 2022 = 0.96

The ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding in 2023 = 0.97

The averaged annum last 3 years of the ratio of sustainability research funding to total research funding is 0.96

[6.5] Total Research Funds (in US Dollars)


Research funding sources at Halu Oleo University come from four schemes: Ministry / Institution Grants, Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government Grants, Halu Oleo University Grants, and Foreign Grants. The trend of research funding sources for the 2021-2023 period has fluctuated. There has been a decrease in total annual research funds at UHO in recent years, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so that most of the research funds have been diverted to handling the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in UHO, Indonesia, and surrounding areas. However, in 2023, total research funds slowly began to bounce back, although not as big as before Covid-19 occurred. Average total research funding in 2023 increased in rupiah terms, but decreased in dollar terms. This is due to the weakening of the rupiah against the dollar compared to 2022.

Total research fund in 2021 = 2.620.845  US Dollars (Rp 41.613.773.126)

Total research fund in 2022 = 1.947.697  US Dollars (Rp 30.925.540.125)

Total research fund in 2023 = 2.236.226  US Dollars (Rp 36.368.017.500)

The averaged annum last 3 years of research fund = 2.286.336 US Dollars (Rp 36.302.443.584; @1 USD=Rp 15.878).

[6.8] Number of Events Related to Sustainability


Halu Oleo University’s commitment to greening and environmental sustainability can be seen from several activities organized by the University in the 2021-2023 academic year. There has been an increase in both online and offline activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and activities that are in direct contact with greening and environmental sustainability that involve the community in the last three years.

Examples of events related to environment and sustainability organized by the University in the 2021-2023 academic year.

Total number of sustainability/environment related events in:

2021: 49

2022: 61

2023: 64

A total average per annum over the last 3 years of 58 events (e.g. conferences, workshops, awareness raising, practical training, etc.).

Additional evidence link : https://kendaripos.fajar.co.id/2023/10/13/fpik-uho-genjot-magang-internasional/; https://pelakita.id/2023/08/27/empat-perguruan-tinggi-gelar-progam-kolaborasi-di-pesisir-ranooha-raya/; https://telisik.id/news/mahasiswa-fpik-uho-kendari-ikut-kompetisi-esai-nasional; https://telisik.id/news/bantu-masyarakat-nelayan-atasi-sampah-mahasiswa-fpik-uho-buat-sero-multifungsi; https://haluoleonews.id/langkoe-diving-club-fpik-uho-apresiasi-kegiatan-ccu-yang-digelar-pt-dssp-power-kendari-di-pesisir-desa-wawatu/; https://haluoleonews.id/uho-teken-mou-dengan-pt-dssp-power-kendari-tentang-tridharma-perguruan-tinggi/; https://faktual.net/budidayakan-ikan-putih-dosen-fpik-uho-beri-edukasi-nelayan-desa-tapulaga/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/terancam-punah-tim-pengabdian-uho-edukasi-siswa-man-1-busel-budidaya-jeruk-siompu-dalam-tabulampot/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/akhiri-sampah-di-kota-kendari-mahasiswa-fhil-uho-lauching-bank-sampah-kampus-hijau/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/fhil-uho-mengikuti-kuliah-umum-forestry-updated-course-fuco-untuk-mahasiswa-kehutanan-indonesia/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/dekan-fhil-menghadiri-festival-like-road-to-cop-28-uae-2023/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/perspektif-pembenahan-tpa-puwatu-menuju-kota-adipura/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/pengembangan-mata-kuliah-ekowisata-fhil-uho-studi-banding-di-program-studi-d4-destinasi-wisata-universitas-airlangga/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/fhil-kampanye-hemat-air-dan-listrik/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/mahasiswa-fakultas-kehutanan-ilmu-lingkungan-uho-kkn-tematik-di-kawasan-tahura-nipa-nipa/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/penanaman-pohon-dalam-rangka-memperingati-hari-hutan-sedunia-dan-hari-bakti-rimbawan/; https://fhil.uho.ac.id/tot-sekolah-langsung-cuaca-dan-iklim-slci/; https://sultraku.com/metro/fpik-uho-tetapkan-kelurahan-lalowaru-sebagai-desa-binaan/

[6.9] Number of activities organized by student organizations related to sustainability per year


There are 9 student organizations related to sustainability at Halu Oleo University. The organizations focus on sustainability issues, particularly waste, energy and climate change. There are currently more than 50 formal student associations and more than five sustainability-related student clubs on campus.

The activities carried out by these student organisms vary, but they all focus on sustainability issues. Based on the data from the last three years (2021-2023), there is an increasing trend, namely:

2021 = 30 activities;

2022 = 52 activities;

2023 = 57 activities.

The increase in activities is due to the increasing awareness of students as campus citizens to apply their knowledge in ensuring the sustainability of natural resources.

A total average per annum over the last 3 years of 46.33 activities organized by student organizations (e.g. talk shows, workshops, awareness raising, practical training, monitoring, etc.).Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file): https://sultra.tribunnews.com/2021/08/29/mahasiswa-uho-tanam-ratusan-bibit-mangrove-di-kawasan-ekowisata-kelurahan-lahundape-kota-kendari; https://kendariinfo.com/cegah-abrasi-pantai-mahasiswa-fisip-uho-tanam-250-pohon-mangrove-di-teluk-kendari/; https://sultralight.net/hut-ke-6-prodi-bioteknologi-uho-mahasiswa-tanam-1000-pohon-mangrove/; https://haluoleonews.id/langkoe-diving-club-fpik-uho-apresiasi-kegiatan-ccu-yang-digelar-pt-dssp-power-kendari-di-pesisir-desa-wawatu/; https://www.instagram.com/reel/CoKTlyGJCHt/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==; https://sultra.tribunnews.com/2023/07/09/mahasiswa-teknik-sipil-uho-kendari-sultra-bersih-bersih-sampah-di-toronipa-konawe-sulawesi-tenggara; https://www.instagram.com/p/CxJzQ1svrLL/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==