
Question of transportation is Number of cars actively used and managed by university, Number of cars entering the university daily, The total number of vehicles (cars and motorcycles) divided by total  campus’ population, Shuttle services, Number of shuttles operated in the university, Average number of passengers of each shuttle, Total trips of each shuttle services each day. Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) policy on campus, Average number of Zero Emission Vehicles (e.g. bicycles, cano, snowboard, electric car, etc.) on campus per day, The total number of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) divided by total campus population, Total ground parking area (m2), Ratio of ground parking area to total campus area, Program to limit or decrease the parking area on campus for the last 3 years (from 2018 to 2020), Number of initiatives to decrease private vehicles on campus, Pedestrian path on campus, Approximate daily travel distance of a vehicle inside your campus only (in Kilometers). The following is one of the photo evidence of indicators from questions in the field of Transportation.

Source: IU GreenMetric, 2021
Map of Parking Locations on the Main Campus
Bus stop on Main Campus