SI 2023

[1] Setting and Infrastructure (SI)

[1.3] Number of Campus Sites

Main Campus of Universitas Halu Oleo at Anduonohu Sub-district (Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia)
Second Campus of Universitas Halu Oleo at Kemaraya Sub-district (Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia)

The 3rd Campus of Universitas Halu Oleo at Poasia Sub-district (Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia)

The 4th Campus of Universitas Halu Oleo at Moramo Sub-districts (Universitas Halu Oleo, Indonesia)


Universitas Halu Oleo (UHO) is located in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. UHO has been assigned as the 42nd state university in Indonesia since 14 August 1981, based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 37 of 1981 concerning the Establishment of Universitas Halu Oleo. The inauguration ceremony was conducted by the Director-General of Higher Education, namely Prof. Dr. D.A. Tisna Amidjaja, on Wednesday, 19 August 1981. This inauguration date was accordingly set as the anniversary date of Universitas Halu Oleo.

There are 4 (four) site locations of Universitas Halu Oleo.

  1. Initially, the main campus of Universitas Halu Oleo was located in Kemaraya Sub District, covering an area of 7 ha. The development of the new main campus began in 1983 by purchasing 252 hectares of land located in Anduonohu Sub District, approximately about 10 km from the initial one. In 1987, the Anduonohu Campus was opened and had become the main campus of Universitas Halu Oleo ever since. Currently, Universitas Halu Oleo has 14 (fifteen) Faculties, 1 (one) Postgraduate Program.
  2. While the 2nd campus, in Kemaraya Sub District, is currently used for Postgraduate Program, Faculty of Forestry and Natural Science as well staff housing.
  3. The 3rd campus covering a 3 ha total area, is currently the home of the mining and geophysics study program,
  4. while the 4th campus site functions as Agro Complex Research Site and is located in Moramo Sub District with a total area of     224 Ha.

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[1.4] Faculty Setting


The main and the 3rd campuses of Universitas Halu Oleo (UHO) are located in the suburban area with a quite high percentage of forest and planted vegetation cover while the 2nd Campus is located in the urban area with a quite dense population. These 3 campuses are in the City of Kendari, which has a total area of 29,600 km² and a total population of 392,830. This means the city has a quite low population density, i.e., approximately 13 inhabitants per km².

Meanwhile, the 4th Campus is located in the rural Konawe Selatan District, approximately 60 km from the main Campus. The land area of the 4th Campus is mainly covered with forests and savanna. This campus area is intended for agro-complex research and student fieldwork practices.

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[1.5] Total Faculty Area (meter2)


Table 1.5 shows that there are 4 (four) campus locations at Universitas Halu Oleo The Total Area of Universitas Halu Oleo is = 4,860,000 m2

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[1.7] Total campus buildings area


The total floor area (all floors) occupied by the building including the ground floor and other floors of the Universitas Halu Oleo building is 157.537 m2

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[1.8] The ratio of open space area to total area


The percentage of open space on the Universitas Halu Oleo campus is 98,32%, with the following explanation:

Total campus area (4,860,000 m2) – Total campus ground floor area of buildings (81.739 m2) / Total campus area (4.860.000 m2 ) = 0,9832 m2 x 100% = 98,32%.

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[1.9] Total Area on Campus Covered in Forest Vegetation (meter2)


From the four (4) locations of Universitas Halu Oleo campuses, the forest vegetation areas are only at 2 (two)

campus locations, namely:

  1. The main campus with a total forest vegetation area of 689,367m2 and;
  2. The fourth Campus (Agro Complex Research Site) with a total forest vegetation area of 1,060,015 m2.

In summary:

Total forest vegetation area: 1.749.382 m2 Total of total forest vegetation: 35.99%

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[1.10] Total area on campus covered in planted vegetation  (meter2)


Of 4 (four) locations of Halu Oleo University campuses, only 2 (two) areas of the campus sites have planted vegetation, such as planted trees on the green lane, planted sago, sengon, local teak, and so on.

Total planted vegetation Area in Main Campus (Halu Oleo University, Indonesia): 1.362.913 m2.

Total planted vegetation Area in Second Campus (Halu Oleo University, Indonesia): 178.000 m2.
Total Planted vegetation Area : 1.540.877 m2
Total Area campus : 4.860.000 m2

Percentage of total planted vegetation: (1.540.877/ 4.860.000) X 100% = 31,7%

[1.11] Total area on campus for water absorption besides the forest and planted vegetation (meter2)


The total area on campus for water absorption besides the forest and planted vegetation di Universitas Halu Oleo is 1,488,002 m2.

Therefore, the percentage of the Total area on campus for water absorption besides the forest and planted vegetation is (1,488,002/4,860,000)m2 x 100) = 30.6%

[1.17] Faculty budget for sustainability effort  (in US Dollars)


Total budget for Universitas Halu Oleo’s sustainability efforts in 2023$1,577,025; experiencing an increase from 2021 to 2023.

[1.20] Campus facliities for disable, special needs and or maternity care


To facilitate access for people with disabilities, Universitas Halu Oleo provides facilities including guiding blocks on pedestrian paths for blind users, wheelchairs, toilets and rams for the disabled. These facilities are all available and can be used.

[1.21] Security and safety facilites


(Please describe the Security and safety facilites in your campus. The following is an example of the description. You can describe more related items if needed.) To maintain campus security, every main entrance gate in every faculty/unit in the Universitas Halu Oleo area is equipped with a portal, security post and security guard. The buildings in the Halu Oleo University area are equipped with CCTV facilities, and first aid for accidents, as well as advice for early warning for fires in the form of fire extinguisher tubes (fire extinguishers) and hydrants.

[1.22] Health infrastructure facilities for students, academics and administrative staffs’ wellbeing


UHO Education Hospital is a type C hospital located in the  Universitas Halu Oleo area. The Education Hospital area consists of a main building covering an area of 911 m2, an Integrated Health Research Center covering an area of 1,144 m2, a residence for doctors and hospital heads covering an area of 286 m2, a shelter (299 m2), a guest house (1,498 m2), a prayer room (714 m2), a canteen ( 200 m2), parking area (7,300 m2).

There is a health clinic at the Faculty of Medicinal and is equipped with a first aid kit as first aid for all staff at UHO who need it. First aid kits are also available in several faculties/units such as the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Public Health.

[1.23] Conservation: plant, animal, and wildlife, genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long-term conservation facilities


The 22.8-hectare UHO Botanical Garden is a university-level conservation area. The UHO Botanical Gardens will later be used as a conservation area for Sulawesi’s endemic plant collections as an educational medium for researchers and open to the public. It was used as a joint practice place for seven faculties, namely the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Engineering, Cultural Sciences, Pharmacy.

The UHO Botanical Gardens consists of three blocks, namely:

  1. A large block (secondary forest) covering an area of 18.46 hectares is the main conservation area, which consists of a collection garden, several thematic parks, 112 species belonging to 34 families which include the vegetative growth phase of trees, pole, sapling, and seedling levels.
  2. a small block (arboretum) covering an area of 1 hectare which grows many types of wood such as ironwood or nona wood (Xanthostemon petiolatus) and
  3. a swamp block covering an area of around 3.42 hectares, which is a thematic park area for sago, especially Sulawesi sago.

The UHO Botanical Garden area also has an orchid house-themed garden covering an area of 309 m2, a nursery house covering an area of 200 m2, and a compost house covering an area of 49 m2.

Types of programs regarding the conservation of plants (flora), animals (fauna), or wild animals, food, and agricultural resources through conservation and other facilities, such as:

  1. Conservation of endemic plants
  2. Planting food crops
  3. Tree planting
  4. Conservation of animal feed plants including legume types, namely indigofera, Glirisedia sp., and grass types including elephant grass, odot grass, and molato grass

Conservation of animals/livestock such as Bali cattle and goats.