WS 2023

Evidence UI GreenMetric Waste (WS)

[3.1] Recycling Program for University Waste

A. Organik Waste
1. Collection, and mixing of organic waste

2. Crushing organic waste using machine fermentation organic waste

3. Organic Waste End Products                                                                       

B. An Organic Waste

1. Separate waste into three containers (Organic, organic, and Hazardous waste)

2. Using garbage motorcycle into TPS3R

3. Separate inorganic waste based on the types

4. Inorganic waste processing uses a pyrolysis machine

5. Processing inorganic waste into paving blocks

7. Recycling plastic bottles for hydroponic place

8. Process of making eco-bricks

9. The result of recycling an organic waste in to bags, shoes, jar, flower vase, flowerpot


The University of Halu Oleo collects and recycles the organic and organic waste by TPS3R, processes the waste into valuable materials, and has economic value.

[3.2] Program to Reduce the Use of Paper and Plastic on Campus

1. Using information systems to reduce paper usage

2. Green Corner sebagai wadah Mahasiswa untuk ruang diskusi Reduce the Use of Paper and Plastic on Campus

3. Using unused paper in envelopes

4. Using CD to minimize using of papers

5. Using water gallons to minimize using plastic bottles

6. Using a tumbler to minimize plastic bottle

7. Using Online learning system called SPADA adn OFC

8. Announcement letter of implement green campus initiative


  1. Implementation of an e-government system in Halu Oleo University is a substantial effort to reduce paper and plastics. It has been proven that Electronic-based student services, e-learning, and e-library can significantly reduce paper usage.
  2. Regarding reducing paper usage in the workplace, Halu Oleo University also implements the paperless application in all administrative/service activities. File and information are also distributed through websites, institutional emails, and Whatsapp Group/ Telegram. The university also supports the use of 2 sides of the paper, constantly rechecking data before printing and making envelopes and file holders from used paper.
  3. The Rector of Halu Oleo University has issued a policy to reduce plastic bags and single-use mineral water bottles.

Additional evidence link :

[3.3] [3.4]Total volume organic waste produced and treated

Total timbulan sampah organik Universitas Halu Oleo
= 0,00367 ton/hari x 365 hari= 163,8 Ton produksi sampah/tahun
Adapun rincian produksi sampah organik adalah sebagai berikut :
1.           Daun                   = 45% x 163,8 Ton = 73,7 ton/tahun
2.           Sisa makanan    = 38% x 163,8 Ton = 62,3 ton/Tahun
3.           Kayu                    = 17% x 163,8 Ton = 27,8 ton/Tahun
Sampah daun terolah secara keseluruhan yaitu dijadikan sebagai kompos, sampah sisa makanan 100% belum dilakukan pengolahan, sedangkan sampah kayu terolah secara keseluruhan menjadi briket arang. Total terolah = 3,82 ton

[3.5] Organic Waste Treatment

A. Organic Waste

1. Collecting and mixing Organic Waste

2. Crushing Organic Waste Using Machine Fermentation Organic Waste

3. Organic Waste Final Product

Pembuatan Briket


At Halu Oleo University, organic waste is generated from canteen activities, and campus parks are managed independently. Organic waste is collected, then chopped, and fermented into compost which has economic value.

[3.6][3.7] Total volume inorganic waste produced and treated


Total timbulan sampah anorganik Universitas Halu Oleo adalah = 82,5 ton/Tahun

Adapun rincian produksi sampah anorganik adalah sebagai berikut :

Kertas                                : 49% x 82,5 ton = 40,4 ton/Tahun

Plastik                                : 28% x 82,5 ton = 23,1 ton/Tahun

Gelas Kaca                        : 15% x 82,5 ton = 12,4 ton/Tahun

Lain-lain                            : 8% x 82,5 ton = 6,6 ton/Tahun

Jumlah sampah kertas yang terolah sebesar 10% atau 4,4 ton yang digunakan sebagai bahan penelitian mahasiswa, sedangkan jumlah sampah plastik yang terolah yaitu sebesar 35% atau 8,1 ton yang dijadikan sebagai produk baru (misalnya : ecobrick, meja atau papan pengumuman berbahan dasar plastik) dan di kelola melalui TPS3R Untuk dijadikan sampah yang berguna dengan nilai lebih tinggi dari total 35% atau 8,1 ton dan sebanyak 10% (0,81) ditingkatkan menjadi lebih berguna yaitu tas dan vas bunga. Sampah anorganik jenis kaca dan minyak goreng bekas sama sekali belum dilakukan pengolahan.

[3.9][3.10] Total volume toxic waste produced and treated


Total timbulan sampah B3 Universitas Halu Oleo = 27,5 ton/tahun

Adapun rincian produksi sampah B3 adalah sebagai berikut :

Elektronik                         : 29% x 27,5 ton = 7,9 ton

Bahan kimia                     : 9% x 27,5 ton = 2,5 ton

Botol tinta                        : 26% x 27,5 ton = 7,2 ton

Botol sprayer                   : 22% x 27,5 ton = 6,1 ton

Bola lampu                       : 14% x 27,5 ton = 3,8 ton

Semua limbah B3 di Universitas Halu Oleo terolah secara keseluruhan (100%) namun pengolahan diserahkan kepada pihak ketiga, yaitu PT. Mitra Hijau Asia.

[3.11] Toxic Waste Treatment

1. emporary container for toxic and hazardous waste

2. Toxic and hazardous waste storage

3. Temporary container for toxic and hazardous waste

4. Toxic and hazardous waste storage

5. Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for toxic and hazardous solid waste

6. Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for NonToxic and hazardous liquid waste


B3 waste is handled separately, namely by classifying, collecting and submitting it to a third party or certified company. Toxic waste is only found in laboratories whose handling is based on the properties of chemicals, namely reactive chemicals, corrosive chemicals, oxidative chemicals, and toxic chemicals.

Management of B3 waste, both solid and liquid, especially those produced from laboratories within the Halu Oleo University such as the laboratories of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Agriculture, Pharmacy is carried out in accordance with strict SOPs and waste treatment is carried out by a third party in this case Cooperation with the Bahteramas government hospital.

3.12 Sewage Disposal

1. Utilization of used water (ablution water, rainwater, hand washing water) to be used for watering plants)

2. Accommodate water used in the Air Conditioner process to be used as car radiator water and others

3. Treated with tertiary treatment


Wastewater management by utilizing used water (ablution water, rainwater, hand washing water) which will be used for watering plants), as well as utilizing processed water from the Air Conditioner to be used as vehicle radiator water and watering plants and treated with tertiary treatment.